Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply chain risk is at the forefront of everyone’s minds in todays chaotic electronics component market. Vergent has the expertise and tools to help guide our clients to build product on the shortest timelines possible

Component Sourcing Support

Combatting component availability and long lead times is at the top of all of our client’s list of priorities today. Our experienced Supply Chain Team has forged long relationships with major distribution partners, qualified brokers, and component manufacturers to find and bond parts that our clients need. We use the latest in artificial BOM intelligence tools to get ahead of component problems early in the design cycle, and help our clients identify potential component alternates and solutions. We follow these guidelines when working with our clients on alternate components:
  • Vergent will identify and present alternates to our clients
  • Client has final authority to approve any alternate as suitable in their design
  • Vergent will only implement an alternate with written client approval
A man in a business suit reviews a detailed spreadsheet on a computer screen in an office setting.
hardware manufacturing

Advanced Component Stocking

Securing component stock and bringing into physical inventory is a necessary step to ensure near to mid term supply in today’s market. We have learned it’s nearly impossible to predict which components on a BOM will become long lead time without notice. Listening to our client’s need for peace of mind, we proactively launched Procurement as a Service to do advanced ordering of components and storage in designated client warehouse locations. This has quickly become a very popular offering with our clients.

Modes of Supply Chain

Vergent operates in the preferred modes of our clients

  • Full turnkey
  • Full consignment
  • Mixed mode
Our stringent vendor qualification and management processes, combined with our counterfeit risk mitigation procedures ensure very high quality inputs into the manufacturing and build of our client’s products.
Boulder-Colorado Product Realization